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The Entourage Effect: Why it’s Important to Consume Multiple Cannabinoids

The Entourage Effect: Why it’s Important to Consume Multiple Cannabinoids

The legalization of cannabis is on the rise, with more states legalizing the use of the herb for medical purposes. While recreational pot usage continues to remain a hot topic for discussion, many people agree that marijuana should be made legal for medical purposes. The main chemicals in cannabis that have been identified to have medical applications are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol THC), but most of the public is unaware of the rest of the cannabinoids that produce the Entourage Effect that provides the medical benefits.

The Entourage Effect

The Entourage Effect is Compounds present in cannabis, which are largely non-psychoactive by themselves, modulating the overall psychoactive and medical effects of the plant.

Most advocates talk about THC and CBD, and rightfully so, but to completely understand the reason why cannabis provides the benefits we list below, remember that all the cannabinoids and terpenes present in the cannabis plant come together to provide these gifts.

The Entourage Effect: Combining Cannabinoids to Increase Medical Effects

Treatment of Glaucoma

One of the major benefits of consuming multiple cannabinoids is that it helps in treating and preventing glaucoma, an eye disease that increases the pressure in the eyes, consequently damaging the optic nerve and leading to loss of vision. The use of the plant has been identified to help in slowing the progression of the disease.

Improved Lung Health

A study conducted in 2012 revealed that the use of cannabis is not dangerous to the lung and can actually help in increasing the capacity of the lung.

The Entourage Effect: Combining Cannabinoids to Increase Medical Effects

Control of Epileptic Seizures

According to a study done in 2003, the use of cannabinoids can prevent epileptic seizures.

Prevention of Cancer from Spreading

CBD may also help prevent the spread of cancer. This is according to a research done by experts at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. This is done by turning off a gene called Id-1.

Relief of Pain and Nausea

Users of medical marijuana have also claimed that the herb helps in relieving pain as well as suppressing nausea. Medical marijuana is often used in relieving the side effects of chemotherapy.

The Entourage Effect: Combining Cannabinoids to Increase Medical Effects

Other benefits of consuming cannabinoids include slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, easing the pain of multiple sclerosis, relieving arthritis discomfort, and improving the symptoms of Lupus.

The importance of consuming multiple cannabinoids is immense, and this claim is substantiated by loads of research and more organizations bursting into this industry. The constant shout for the legalization of cannabis by states and political representatives is paving the way to a national bill. By learning about the entourage effect and other facts about cannabis, you can better understand the reasons why this plant needs to be commonplace and legal in the country.

Why it’s Important to Consume Multiple Cannabinoids from THC Vapes

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