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Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?

Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Test?

It can be pretty difficult for a weed enthusiast to get his or her dream job, especially if the screening process includes a drug test. It can also be difficult for someone on probation for a petty possession charge trying to avoid the arm of the law. Those fears of failing a drug test are not seldom to THC alone though. Many people are worried that CBD will show up on a drug test, which they think will link them to THC products.

It is reasonable for anyone to feel concerned about failing a drug test due to CBD since it is derived from both hemp and marijuana. Even though Hemp CBD is a legal item under national law, there still is a good majority of people that don’t want to let their employers know they are lingering anywhere around Cannabis. But the questions is, does it show up on a test? And if so, will it cause them to fail the test?

Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Test? | California Weed Blog

CBD and Drug Test

Drug tests are meant to look for traces of THC in the body, not CBD. However, this does not mean that you are in the clear, as some CBD include tiny amounts of THC. But, is it is enough to make you fail a test?

The answer to this worrisome question is YES… ONLY IF you consume a whole lot of CBD though.

Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Test? | California Weed Blog

How much CBD will you ingest to fail a drug test?

You would have to consume as much as 1000 to 2000 mg of CBD daily to show a positive mark for THC on a drug test. This would only be a false positive though. If the sample further undergoes a GC/MS test, it would produce negative results. These tests are more accurate and do not detect cannabinoids, including CBD.

However, the risk remains, even if it is minimal. With the popularity of CBD increasing daily, companies are continuously improving on their products to ensure that consumers do not entertain the possibility of testing positive to a drug test.

It is advised that you check the labels on the different products on the market to be sure of the content. You should glance over the reviews of the product before purchasing or consuming them. Head to your local regulated dispensary and ask the staff which CBD brand is right for you. CBD will not hurt you or the possibility of getting a job, nor will it show up on a drug test. Don’t be afraid to help your mind and body with CBD! See how Will CBD Show Up on a Drug

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